Mind Readers summer book club to discuss 'Finding the Right Words: A Story of Literature, Grief, and the Brain'

Book cover of Finding the Right Words: A Store of Literature, Grief and the Brain by Cindy Weinstein, Bruce Miller
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

July 13, 6 p.m. CT: All are invited to join the Mind Readers book club along with host Nathaniel Chin, MD, and guest authors Cindy Weinstein, PhD, and Bruce L. Miller, MD, for a discussion about their book, Finding the Right Words: A Story of Literature, Grief, and the Brain. The event will be held live online via Zoom. You do not need to read the book prior to the event and there is no cost to join the conversation.
Register here.

About the book: Authors Cindy Weinstein and Bruce Miller intertwine literature, memoir and science to tell the story of Cindy’s experience with her father’s dementia. Weinstein is a professor of literature at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, and Miller is a neurologist and director of the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco. Their unique experiences and perspectives provide a moving, enriching understanding of Alzheimer’s disease.

Options for reading the book:

On a recent episode of Dementia Matters, Nathaniel Chin, MD, talks with the authors about their new book. Listen wherever you get podcasts or online.

Learn more about the Mind Readers book club.