Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L, BCG
Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L, BCG
BS, University of Wisconsin–Madison
MS, Colorado State University
PhD, Colorado State University
Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pittsburgh VA
Dr. Fields is an occupational therapist, assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, and affiliate faculty member in the Center for Aging Research and Education (CARE) and Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her research interests include: caregiving, implementation of evidence-based programs, geriatric health services, aging in place and chronic conditions. Dr. Fields has published more than 35 papers and abstracts on these topics.
She serves on the Development Council for the American Occupational Therapy Foundation and is an active member of the Health Services Task Force for the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. The National Institute of Aging and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, Rehabilitation Research have supported her research, as well as the RRF Foundation for Aging.
Dr. Fields' primary line of research is to examine the quality, access and outcomes of patient- and family-centered geriatric care approaches across the care continuum. This line of inquiry includes quantifying contemporary care delivery utilization and practices and their relationship to the desired outcomes of patients and family caregivers, as well as evaluating approaches for enhancing the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based programs and services.