Dr. Chin shares optimism about pace of Alzheimer's disease research in Curb article about the disease in Wisconsin

image of the cover of Curb magazine

Nathaniel Chin, MD, assistant professor of medicine (geriatrics) and Wisconsin ADRC director of medical services, was interviewed in Curb, a UW-Madison student magazine, for a feature about local resources and people living with Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Chin described how his father’s Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis impacted his decision to specialize in memory care. He also discussed his work at the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and said there has been a sharp acceleration in the funding and pace of Alzheimer’s research. 

"I think we’re at this precipice where something is going to happen in the next few years that is going to be monumental for the field," he said. "I do think 2020 marks a change in the acceleration toward that big moment when we actually have something very meaningful to share with people who have Alzheimer’s."

Read the full report from Curb, including a perspective of a man caring for his wife who has Alzheimer’s disease, and insight from the program manager of Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin. "Devoted to Memory: Wisconsinites mobilize to fight Alzheimer’s" appeared in the December 2019 issue of Curb.