Rick Chappell, PhD

Rick Chappell, PhD

professor rick chappell
Department of Statistics and Biostatistics and Medical Informatics

BS, Math and Geology
PhD, Statistics

Professional Activities

Professor Chappell has been faculty at the University of Wisconsin for 28 years. His research is in the areas of designs for clinical trials including Phase I clinical trials and non-inferiority trials, longitudinal and generalized linear models, and survival analysis. He has been on several U.S. FDA advisory committees and has been a member of approximately 25 DSMBs for the NIH, VA, and industry. He was president of the Society for Clinical Trials and is fellow of the American Statistical Association and the Society for Clinical Trials. He has been the leader of the Data Management and Biostatistics Core of the UW ADRC since its creation.

Research Interests

Professor Chappell is particularly interested in the design and analysis of clinical trials related to aging and AD. He also has carried out research on modeling observational studies of aging.